Paul Scherrer Institut
The Paul Scherrer Institute is a center for multi-disciplinary research and one of the world’s leading user laboratories for synchrotron radiation & particle physics. PSI belongs as an autonomous institution to the Swiss ETH domain and concentrates its activities on solid-state research and materials sciences, elementary particle physics, energy and environmental research as well as biology and medicine. PSI employs 1400 members of staff, making it the largest of the national research institutions – and the only one of its kind within Switzerland.
The group Combustion Technologies of the Combustion Research Laboratory (CRL) performs studies on low emission combustion techniques for internal combustion engines and gas turbine applications. Special emphasis is given to the use of non-intrusive optical/laser measurement techniques for the characterization of high temperature/high pressure combustion processes.
The Bioenergy and Catalysis Laboratory (LBK) is doing research to develop processes, catalysts and materials for providing primary energy and material products from biomass and/or waste. Improving the eco-efficiency of products and services (i.e. more value for less pollution and less resource intensity) has been the guiding principle of the research projects of LBK.