Universita del Salento
The Department of Engineering of Innovation focuses on new technologies and is devoted to promote and to disseminate technology innovation; it is involved in:
- Renewable energies
- Materials science and technology
- Bio-applications of materials and ICT
- Nanotechnologies
- Manufacturing technologies
- Robotics
- Design and testing in Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Many prestigious results and awards have been and are currently obtained by the Department research staff in several research areas. Research activities are supported by:
European Union (in the FP5, FP6 and FP7 programs), the Italian Ministry for Education University and Research, regional authority, main Italian research centers (ENEA, ASI CNR, INFM, INFN) and private companies.
About 100 of staff people teaching in Engineering faculty and Science faculty.
An average of 100 of PhD students and Postdocs.